Saturday, June 6, 2015

OpenStack installation on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - quick and easy method for beginers

Below is quick and easy method to set-up OpenStack cloud on a single server.

I have installed  Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop version  on my Virtual Box (Network Configuration -NAT for internet access) and after that installed OpenStack.

This method uses one script and install and configure openstack components.

#sudo apt-get update

#sudo apt-get install git

#git clone  -b stable/juno

#sudo apt-get install vim

#cd devstack
#vim stackrc
change 124th line to GIT_BASE=${GIT_BASE:-}

*Will ask to enter password for various OpenStack component which will be used to login to Openstack Dashboard and other component.

*If failed,verify GIT_BASE url  , run it again and again.Sometimes it failed because of internet connection.

Below output you will get once installation is successful.

Open Horizon using  IP address .

Username - admin password:- which you have entered during installation.

Now your OpenStack cloud is ready and you can start playing with it.

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